Wednesday, June 30, 2021

end of June...end of the heat wave

 As the northwest has just experienced the highest temperatures ever in our area,   Sauvie Island Farms is accessing our berry crops and trying to predict how the next few weeks will be on the farm.

This week:

 Blueberries:  Earliblue   All have ripened at once and are ready to be picked.  These do have some sun damage on the upper side of the bushes, but right now the picking is easy and the berries are sweet.  We do not know how this heat will affect the length of the blueberry season.  It may be a shorter than 'normal' season this year.  So don't wait if you want the Earliblues.

                             Blue Crop  These are ripening quickly also.  Some ripe berries and many green still to ripen.  We are hoping that the green berries ripen as usual.

Red Raspberries:  Raspberries do not like they have suffered from this weather.  There are soft, discolored fruit on the vines, mixed in with beautifully ripe and sweet berries.  It's easy to see which ones not to pick.   Tulameen, Saanich and Coho are all ripe.

Yellow Raspberries: These berries took the hardest hit from the heat.  You will find a lot of the ripest are now soft on the vines.  We are hoping that more will ripen in the next week or so.  

Tayberries:  Small quantities of ripe berries, with many more that just need a few more days to ripen.

Marionberries:  Beautifully ripe berries hiding in the vines, some sun burned berries are on the topside of the vines.  It will be a short season this year.

Strawberries:  gleaning conditions, very tiny berries hiding in the plants and full of sweet flavor.  It will take some determination to find these, but you are welcome to try.

Cabbage, spinach, zucchini, peas, basil, cilantro, rosemary, lavender, Shasta daisies, and a few other flowers are ready for you! 

We are taking orders for prepicked Blueberries and Marionberries.  

$40 flat  

$22 1/2 flat

Please call or text 503.621.3988 before 5pm the day before you want to pick up your order at the farm.

We are open  8am-6pm. Monday-Saturday

Remember we are always closed on Sundays, so we will be closed on the 4th of July.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021


 Sauvie Island Farms will continue to have our u-pick STRAWBERRY fields open for the rest of this week and into next week, as long as there are berries to pick.

It is getting to the end of the season, the Hood strawberries are smaller in size and you have to work your way thru the soft and over ripe ones.  But the small little berries are still sweet!  

The Shuksan variety has nice berries waiting to be picked, they are medium sized and great flavor.   

u-pick price $2.50 lb.

Fresh picked Shuksan strawberries available by order only thru Saturday June 19.  We will decide on Monday June 21 if we can continue to offer fresh picked.

Please call or text 503.621.3988 to place your order by 5pm the day before you want to pick up.   

flats $36  1/2 flats $20

Earliblue BLUEBERRIES are ripening and ready to be pick.  You need to be selective in picking only the ripest, there are LOTS more to ripen in the next couple of weeks.

A small quantity of  YELLOW RASPBERRIES ready for picking also.  There will be many more of these ripening in the next few weeks.

RED RASPBERRIES should be available in another week.

We will open the Earliblue blueberry and yellow raspberry fields on THURSDAY JUNE 17 for u-pick. 

u-pick price $3.00 lb 

 We are not offering fresh picking blueberries or yellow raspberries at this time.

 The farm is open Monday-Saturday 8am-6pm