Saturday, August 23, 2008

a room with a view

I mentioned in a post earlier this week, that I was gone from the farm for a couple of days last week...taking our oldest to college...for her second year. shouldn't be a big deal, I have already done this before....and survived. However, it did seem harder this time....I think because I knew what to expect. I knew how I would feel when I came home and couldn't take a breath when I saw her empty bedroom. I think it was also harder, because she was so happy to be home this summer......not really something I expected after her first year of independence. Basically, she still likes us...and she loves her farm home. The picture above is from her bedroom window. With a view like that, why would she want to leave??? She said that she missed the sound of the sprinklers in the fields and the windchimes on our back deck when she was away at college. Oh how I love that girl!!!
Thanks for indulging me in sharing this with you. AND THANK YOU to all of you who come out to our farm to pick our crops. We are able to continue to offer you this 'pick your own' opportunity because you come to visit us in our farm backyard!! We have made a few changes in how we run our u-pick this year...hopefully you have adjusted to the change. We think they are improvements, but we know that change is hard. I am still adjusting to the change of my kids growing up!!
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