Monday, May 25, 2020

Covid Safety procedures for 2020 season

Strawberries at Sauvie Island Farms are ripening and u-cut Peonies are starting to bloom.  We plan to open for the u-pick season on Friday, May 29th.

Our hours this year have changed.  
We will be open from 8 am-6 pm.  Monday -Saturday

Other changes on the farm this year are due to the procedures we must follow to  keep our employees and visitors safe.  We have sorted thru all the suggestions given to us from Oregon Health Authority, CDC, and Oregon Dept of Ag. 

Sauvie Island Farms 2020 Covid Safety Info:

*Please leave your personal containers & bags at home, due to cross contamination.  We will provide a box which holds 10 lbs, and a 1 lb. box or bags for you to pick into, for one time use. Do not bring our boxes back to reuse.

*Hand washing stations:  Please wash your hands before entering the u-pick field.

*Social distancing to provide a six foot space while in fields: 
Please follow the directions in the field and pick on the assigned rows.
Please do not plan to meet with a group to hang out.

*Do not eat fruit while picking:  This has always been a suggestion at our farm. Now it is required.

*NO picnicking or outside food at the farm:  In the past, we have encouraged families to spend time just hanging out at the farm.  This year, we ask that you come to u-pick only, and leave when you are finished. 

*Children must be with parents at all times:  We are not restricting children from going into the fields, but if this presents as an issue, we may have to make some changes during the season.

*No Dogs or pets allowed on farm property or in parking lot.  Leave your pets at home.  We are inspected each year for Good Agricultural Practices, and this is one of the food safety rules we must abide by.

*Flower cutting:  Bring your own clippers or scissors.
We will have a limited, small amount of scissors which will be cleaned after each use.  If you want you may bring your own bucket to stay in your car until after you have cut the flowers.  We will not have buckets to use and we will not allow your buckets on the farm.

*Face masks and gloves are a suggested safety precaution.

*Fresh picked berries will be by order ONLY. 
We will not have the stand with fresh picked berries this year. 

If you would like us to pick strawberries for you, you can order a 1/2 flat (5 lbs) or a full flat (10 lbs) by calling 503-621-3988.   prices on our website

*Orders must be placed at least one day ahead of when you want to pick up.
*We will have a limit for each day, so please wait for your call or text to confirm    your order before coming out to the farm.

*Please provide the date and time that you want to pick up your order. 
*Payment will be taken at the farm.  We will have 'curb side' pick up for these   orders.  Look for the marked parking spots when you enter the parking lot. 
You do not need to get out of your car.

*Our employees will also be practicing covid safety procedures.   If you have any concerns while at the farm, please talk to us.  We are doing the best we can to provide an atmosphere of safety while you are here.  

**If you have symptoms or have been around someone who is sick, we ask that you stay home. 

wheewwww.....we know this is a lot.

As the season progresses we will send out updates if any of this changes.
We appreciate your cooperation and your loyal interest and support of our farm.

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